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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011


Development of religion in children through three levels.
  1. The Fairy Tale Stage (Depth Of Storytelling)
This level began in children aged 3-6 years. At this level, the concept of God is more influenced by emotion and fantasy. At the level of this development, the child live up to the concept of the Godhead in accordance with the level of intellectual development. Life is more influenced by the fantasy life, and in response to any religion, children are still using the fantastic concept covered by fairy tales are less plausible.
  1. The Realistic Stage (Levels Of Reality)
This level since the child enters primary school up to age (the age) adolescence. During this time, the idea of the Godhead's reflect the concepts are based on the reality (the reality). This concept arose through religious institutions and religious teaching of other adults. During this time, the religious idea is based on the emotional impetus, until they can give birth to the concept of God which formalis. Based on that, during this period, children interested and excited in a religious institution they see managed by adults in their environment. All Forms follow their religious (charity) followed and studied with great interest.
  1. The Individual Stage (Individual Level)
At this level, the child has had the most emotional sensitivity is high in line with the development of his age. The religious concept of individualistic was divided into three groups, namely:
    1. The concept of the Godhead that conventional and conservative with affected a small part of fantasy. It is caused by outside influences.
    2. The concept of the Godhead is more purely expressed in view of the nature of the personal (individual)
    3. The concept of the Godhead are humanistic. Religion has been the ethos of the humanist on themselves in living up to their teaching.
This changes every level is influenced by the factor interen, i.e. the development of the age and the factor eksteren in the form of outside influences that affect them.
As God's creation, the actual potential of the existing religions on any man since he was born. This is a potential boost to dedicate it to the creator. In Islamic terminology, the urge is known for its hidayat al-Diniyyat (read: hidayatul diniyyah), in the form of seeds of diversity which is conferred by God to man. With this innate human potential, is essentially religious beings.
The study of cultural anthropology has proven this truth. Edward b. Taylor refer to it as the believe in spiritual being (belief in a supernatural Substance). In his opinion, this impulse is the forerunner of a growing belief or religion in humans. In field observations, it is found experts anthropology reality like that on the tribes of primitive (are still cultured native). Departing from the ability to think that anthromorfistis, a substance that they make in a supernatural form of concrete objects such as statues or other natural objects.
Stanley Hall also found similar trends in the Totem-like concept. In life, some Indian clan (clan) to associate them with the sacred animals are believed to be the reincarnated ancestors or their ancestors. This is considered a sacred animal totem and became a symbol of the religious rituals. Their attachment to the concept is very strong so the name of an animal totem is often placed behind the name of the citizens of their respective tribes.
Turns out, the trend like this don't just happen among the public primitive. In modern societies, similar things can be found. However, its shape changed in the form of "the admiration of the figure". The term Idol is evidence of the tendency of modern society to mengkultusindividukan someone who is admired. These forms are generally associated with AWE ideology known as ISM.
The urge to serve on the human self is essentially a source of keberAgamaan Fitr. To maintain and preserve the purity of innate potential, God the Creator sent the prophets and Apostles. Their main task is to direct the development of the innate potential to the actual path, as desired by the creator. When not directed by the Messenger of God is feared will be deviations.
The concept of Islam assert that in fact the creation of jin and man is to be faithful to his creator-[QS. Adz-Dzariyat 51: 56].
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَ وَالإنْسَ إِلا لِيَعْبُدُونِ ّ
And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except that they may worship me.
In order for those duties and responsibilities can be manifested properly, God sent his Messenger as the giver of the teaching, example and role model. In the next relay, treatise of this Ministry passed to the scholars. However, his main responsibility is stressed to the parent.

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